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Technical Debt 101: A Product Manager’s Guide to Managing Tech Debt

managing tech debt

Managing tech debt is an important concept in product development. Technical debt refers to the implied cost of deficiencies and imperfections in a codebase or system architecture. Just like financial debt, technical debt accrues interest payments in the form of reduced productivity and increased costs over time as a product evolves. Managing technical debt is crucial for balancing short-term gains without compromising long-term maintainability and agility. This blog post will examine the sources and impacts of technical debt and strategies product teams can employ for managing tech debt throughout the product lifecycle. The key thesis is that while some technical debt is inevitable, it must be actively managed to avoid excessive accumulation that leads to chronic issues down the road. A pragmatic approach allows teams to capitalize on technical debt’s benefits while avoiding its pitfalls.  

What is Technical Debt? 

The term “technical debt” was first coined in 1992 by Ward Cunningham, who likened shipping immature code to going into debt. Just as financial debt incurs interest payments on borrowed money, technical debt incurs “interest” in the form of reduced productivity as teams work around baked-in issues. 

There are several major types of technical debt that can accumulate in a product codebase:

Code debt – Quick and dirty implementations, duplicate code, complex conditional logic, hard-to-maintain code that slows productivity

Architecture debt – Monolithic designs, lack of modularity, outdated technology stacks, frameworks that don’t scale

Testing debt – Lack of test coverage, brittle tests, slow test suites that hinder confidence and deployments

Documentation debt – Outdated or missing documentation that leads to confusion and poor knowledge sharing

Technical debt arises for a variety of reasons, including tight deadlines, changing requirements, developing with incomplete knowledge, and optimizing for speed over quality. While these tradeoffs may make sense in the short term, excessive technical debt makes a codebase rigid, fragile, and expensive to modify in the long run.

The impacts of unchecked technical debt accumulate over time:

  • Increased cost of new feature development and maintenance  
  • Slower velocity as teams work around debt items
  • Higher defect rates and bug backlogs
  • Loss of institutional knowledge as undocumented systems evolve

Some technical debt is inevitable, especially under time pressure. The key is to minimize debt, monitor it, and allocate resources to repay it before excessive interest payments cripple team productivity. Excessive debt should be avoided, but some pragmatic debt enables speed and learning.

Accumulating Technical Debt  

Technical debt inevitably accumulates throughout product development for a variety of reasons:

Prioritizing Speed Over Quality – When teams rush to meet deadlines or push features out quickly, technical debt piles up as corners are cut, systems are jury-rigged, and code quality is compromised. This technical “shortcut” mentality produces results fast but creates a burden later.

Lack of Understanding of Future Requirements – When systems are designed and developed without full knowledge of future use cases and requirements, compromises, and technical debt get baked in. Adaptability suffers as a result.

Squeezing Features Into Existing Architecture – Adding capabilities to a legacy system not designed for them leads to hacks, workarounds, and rabbit holes. Incremental cruft accumulates.

There are some notable short-term benefits to incurring technical debt:

Faster Time-to-Market – Shipping a minimally viable product quickly is enabled by taking on technical debt and optimizing for speed over perfection.

Reduced Initial Development Costs – Releasing an MVP with technical debt lowers initial investment and provides faster validation and learning.

However, left unmanaged, the long-term consequences of excessive debt accumulation are severe:

Slower Feature Development – Over time, development velocity slows as teams struggle to maintain and extend debt-ridden code.

More Bugs and Defects – Fragile code and lack of test coverage lead to higher rates of bugs and quality issues.

Increased Maintenance Costs – Legacy technical debt makes even simple modifications require refactoring and untangling.

Strategies for Managing Tech Debt 

To keep technical debt in check, product teams should employ the following strategies:

Conduct Technical Debt Audits – Have engineers periodically analyze codebases to identify areas of high debt that impact productivity. Quantify the level of effort to address.

Estimate Repayment Costs – For major debt items identified, estimate the engineering hours required to repay the debt through refactoring, rewriting, testing, etc.

Prioritize Debt Repayment – Based on repayment cost, roadmap priorities, and severity, prioritize which technical debt items to tackle and allocate resources. Focus on high-value ROI.

Allocate Time in Each Sprint – Reserve 10-20% of each sprint for addressing technical debt through refactoring, testing, documentation, etc based on priority.

Refator Code and Improve Test Coverage – Fix “bad smell” areas of the codebase, eliminate duplicate logic, and simplify overly complex sections. Improve test coverage.

Invest in Documentation – Develop guides, playbooks, and documentation to memorialize tribal knowledge and systems. Ensure knowledge transfer.

Adopt Best Practices and Standards – Implement clear coding conventions, style guides, and naming standards. Enforce through code reviews.

Balance Perfectionism vs. Pragmatism – Don’t over-engineer or customize platform code. Leverage standard solutions and frameworks where possible.

Regularly assessing, quantifying, and addressing top-priority technical debt items must become part of the team culture and roadmap planning process. This balanced approach enables teams to gain leverage from necessary technical debt while avoiding unsustainable accumulation.

Measuring and Monitoring Tech Debt 

To manage technical debt effectively, product teams need to measure and monitor it just as they would track feature development velocity. Useful metrics to quantify technical debt include:

  • Code quality – Duplicate code percentage, cyclic complexity per module 
  • Defect density – Bugs discovered per thousands of lines of code (KLOC)
  • Test coverage – Code coverage percentage for unit, integration, and e2e tests
  • Code churn – Frequency and size of commits modifying a given module
  • Doc coverage – Percentage of systems, flows, and APIs documented

These metrics should be captured as part of the continuous integration / continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline and tracked over time. Teams can establish thresholds that trigger warnings when debt levels exceed defined limits.

Trend analysis of technical debt metrics also provides valuable insights into whether debt is accumulating or being repaid. Spikes in defect density or code churn may indicate areas of concern.

Tracking technical debt quantitatively shines a light on issues that may otherwise stay invisible until major problems crop up down the road. Keeping technical debt metrics front and center ensures problems can be addressed proactively.


Technical debt is a reality for any non-trivial product engineering effort. Attempting to avoid it entirely sacrifices speed and pragmatism. However, excessive technical debt accumulation has severe consequences for cost, maintainability, and velocity.

The key is to strategically minimize technical debt via development best practices, leverage it deliberately to deliver value quickly, and allocate resources to regularly repay the highest priority debt items.

Quantitatively tracking technical debt gives teams visibility into the health of their systems and allows early intervention when debt increases.

With a pragmatic, balanced approach, technical debt can be managed sustainably even as products and platforms grow extremely large and complex over time. While some debt will always exist, proper management prevents crippling levels that severely impact engineering productivity and innovation.

By understanding the sources, costs, and effective strategies for managing tech debt, product teams can reap the benefits while controlling the pitfalls.

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